Did you do Sneaky things as a Teenager?

Mark Kleimann
3 min readJan 2, 2022

Things your parents are clueless about even today…

Photo by Will on Unsplash

Have you done things behind your parents’ back?

When I was 14, I often had friends (male) over for sleepovers, like a lot of teenage boys do.

It wasn’t long before we decided that, during sleepovers, why don’t we “snuck” out at 11:45pm to go to a distant service station, to buy an ice block, to see if we could?

So, one balmy summer night, during school holidays, Operation Escape 1 was put into action…

The clock clicked over to 11:45pm, and the crickets chirped loudly outside, masking our footsteps. My friend and I tiptoed silently out of my bedroom, into the hall. We heard my father snoring in my parents’ bedroom, meaning that the coast was clear. We knew that my mother was also sleeping.

We were at the entrance to the kitchen, when my friend stepped onto a creaky floorboard. We froze. We listened. Dad’s snoring continued. Good.

We crept through the kitchen, silently lifting the house keys off their hook.

Next was the challenge of unlocking the back door, which we managed with minimal noise.

Now we were outside, in the warm Melbourne summer night. Ahead lay our driveway, with the open window of my parent’s bedroom to the…



Mark Kleimann

I am a writer from Australia, and share my life experiences to help others with whatever challenges they might be facing. Some of these can be quite hairy...